Kudos Reading Group

Kudos is a student-led initiative – a BCS collaboration with the American Studies programme. Our Reading Group discusses contemporary novels written by women who write or who were translated into English.

We aim to relocate the kudos attached to male-made structures of narrative experience into the sphere of female self-narrativisation, which has often been overlooked and excluded from the ivory tower of male literary authority. We are hoping to question the male-dominated literary canon and bring a fresh perspective on the question of literary value through our discussions!

Kudos holds (virtual) meetings monthly, & we welcome under/post/graduate students from any university in Romania. Our club is a safe, friendly place where we can discuss brilliant novels by women and put our critical skills to good use!

We discuss one novel per meeting, and we are looking forward to hearing your own thoughts on how these contemporary novels explore what it takes to be a female author, translator, or character in our cultural day and age.

You can find all the information for signing up using this Bookclubs link, and you can also find us on Instagram and Facebook!